Blogs and Boards
Blogs and Boards is the section where we feature some of the great public discussion that is occurring on the internet. If you know of a blog, message board or place of dicussion for immigration topics on the internet, please send the link and a short description to:
The Houston Chronicle online has an immigration section called, "Immigration Chronicles" where the newspaper presents its articles about immigration issues and allows the public to comment. There are a few original articles per week written by professional reporters who interview key figures in the stories, many of which focus on the impact of issues on the lives of individuals.
The Center for Immigration Studies is a moderate Restrictionist non-profit organization, advocating for stricter controls of the flow of immigration into the US. While they are 'to the right' on immigration issues, their presentation appears more reasoned than some other Restrictionist groups. Reading their articles helps one understand the other point of view.
Bender's Immigration Bulletin Daily Edition is a free online newsletter owned by Bender Publishing and managed by Editor-in-Chief and immigration attorney Daniel Kowalski. The free newsletter has two columns of news: one with links to outside media reports on immigration issues from around the country, and the other with several original news reports per week on immigration law originating from Bender Publishing.
The Visa Lawyer Blog is run by San Diego immigration attorney Jacob Sapochnik. Jacob authors several original posts per week, mostly about updates in business immigration law, but also about breaking news in other areas of immigration law.
The ImmigrationProf Blog, part of the law Professors Blog network run by Law professor Paul Caron of Cincinnati, posts original pieces daily authored by five university professors and guest authors. The blog, which has been active since September 2005, deals with immigration, race, and civil rights -- and related political -- issues.